Public Cloud Service models

Public Cloud - Service models

On our previous publication, we read “What is Cloud? Concepts and Benefits”.

Now, once we know we can use the public cloud for our Information Systems needs, we see that there are different models and levels of responsibilities on administration of the different levels of components. These levels have the common postfix “aaS” that means “as a Service” because they are Services on Public clouds. Let’s take a look of the different components and how do they work.

As we have heard now, there is the analogy with having Pizza with the popular “Pizza as a Service”, there are new models on the market, so I decided to make a new analogy.

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What is Cloud? 

What is Cloud?

Nowadays, we all depend on data. We all have stored information about our bank, our friends and family, and our health. Even most of our conversations are now in writing via text, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, email, etc. But how is all this made possible? Well, we all hear and know that it is on the cloud. But what is the cloud and how does it work? How did it begin?

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